Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Citizen Tay Declares War on Tulsa Traffic Lights

There are approximately 531 traffic lights within Tulsa City Limits.  Collectively, they limit the AVERAGE speed limit of all vehicles moving from any given Point A to Point B, to approximately 25 mph.

Of course, EVERYBODY hates getting stuck behind a long line at red lights.  They're way OVER-rated for safety.  51st/Memorial and 71st/Memorial landed on State Farm's Most Dangerous Intersections.

Traffic lights encourage that small, but dangerous, group of impatient motorists, to criminally speed, recklessly risking lives, trying to catch green.

Traffic lights create congestion.  While half the motorists get the green to go, the other half are stuck in a long line, at the red.

Instead of watching out for other motorists, pedestrians, and bicyclists, motorists are trying to beat the red.

There is a better way.  11th/Elgin intersection, right at the Downtown Home Depot, uses traffic circle.  Neither the Admiral Circle or the 36th/Hudson Circle has ever landed on America's Most Dangerous Intersections.

The 2007 Snow Storm knocked out the 41st/Yale traffic lights for days.  What happened?  Everybody simply slow down, looked out for each other, and went about their way.  I dare the traffic engineers to show me the crash numbers.

If elected, I will propose the resolution to eliminate ALL traffic lights and replace them with traffic circles.  Vote November 4 to declare war on stupid Tulsa traffic lights!

Source: Traffic Control: An Exercise in Self Defeat


  1. Hi, I was sent a link to this via Twitter after sharing my own thoughts on traffic lights on my blog:

    Btw - you can do a roundabout on the cheap with paint. Works just as well.

  2. Yes, thanks for the great read. Your article instigated further debate on twitter with elected official who can actually make the difference.

    Oh, yes, certainly I've thought about DIY roundabouts. Unlike Portland, home of City Repair, there are not enough geniuses in Tulsa to push the issue. Nobody really wants to be the Rosa Parks of traffic circles in Tulsa.

    At least, we can still feed the homeless, without fear of joining the criminal ranks. For all its car-dependent faults, Tulsa is actually very progressive toward the homeless and mental health cases.
