Monday, November 24, 2014

How to do Police Accountability, Without Really Trying

In almost every city across the US, tax dollars are used to cover the damages and settlements from lawsuits filed against their police departments due to officer misconduct. Taxpayers in essence pay out massive amounts in damages for officers not doing their job properly. Additionally, the cost is compounded because taxpayers are forced to continue paying the salaries of these criminal cops.
City officials don’t have the guts to hold officers accountable for their actions. So a new approach is necessary to hold rogue officers responsible for their conduct.
Just like doctors have to carry malpractice insurance, police officers should be required to carry professional liability insurance as a condition of employment.
How this can be achieved is through an amendment to the city charter itself.
Read more at Free Thought Project.

Friday, November 21, 2014

What is City Council Covering Up?

So, at the 20 November Council meeting, I raised the issue of the G.T. Bynum conflict of interest scam, on Agenda Item 8A.  City Attorney O'Melia tried to shut me up.  Good grief, if there's really no conflict of interest, why didn't he just simply let me make a total fool out of myself?

Bynum called me out, claiming I'm trying to trash his reputation.  He claims the Ethics Commission has looked into this issue.  So, why is he the only one pitching the claim?  From America's favorite Republican, trust, but verify.

Good grief, if there's nothing wrong about an elected City official pinch hitting for the other team for six figures, why even bother to get totally bent out of shape?

For now, I leave this issue to other more intelligent genius rocket scientists to follow up.  I doubt I will be the last to bring this up.  What is City Council covering up?

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Did POTUS44 Just Gifted InhofePOTUS2016?

POTUS44 just picked his own successor, Jim Inhofe?  Nooooooooooooooo waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay.  Can't possibly be true.

Jeff Stava Wants Mo' Buses to Gathering Place. Heads in Maple Ridge EXPLODE!

According to Tulsa World, Jeff Stava is on the warpath to get more buses to Gathering Place.  Good luck with THAT!  Seriously.

Maple Ridge riots in 5....4....3.....

Friday, November 7, 2014

How To Do Water in the River, Without Extorting Taxpayers

If all the Tulsa voters who plan to vote for the upcoming $500 million River Tax would simply donate $500, every year, for the next five years, they would have water in the River.

Donors could claim a tax deduction, like George Kaiser.  Voluntary donation, instead of taxpayer extortion.

If water in the River is such a great idea, why extort taxpayers?


Tuesday, November 4, 2014

15.7% Saw Right Through the G.T. Bynum Conflict of Interest SCAM!

Holy M.A.C.K.E.R.E.L.  I voted for myself, only to avoid a big fat goose egg next to my name on the ballot for the snickering enjoyment of millions and billions.  Instead, 15.7% of all you people in District 9, ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED SIXTY ONE of you out there, stayed with Tay, on a cold, wet, rainy day.  THAT said ALOT.

District 9 totally blew away the turnout numbers, almost 13,000.  We are engaged in the political process.  For 1,961 voters to reject the Bynum agenda, is even MORE impressive.

I want to believe the support as a significant rejection of putting lipstick on the pig, aka water in the River.  If elected, I would have DISBANDED the Arkansas River Development Task Force, to put the water where it would have made the difference, 6th Street Canal.

If anyone still want water in the River, I would have established a tax-deductible City account to accept donations.  If water in the River is such a great idea, why extort taxpayers?  Instead of tax burden, tax deduction.

I want to believe that you saw through the obvious conflict of interest issues of an ELECTED Tulsa City Councilor, making enough to pay the mortgage on a $400,000 Mid-Town house, by working as a federal lobbyist on behalf of Cities of Bartlesville, Claremore, Miami, OK, and Miami, FL.

To put it bluntly, for every federal dollar going to those cities, Councilor Bynum's clients, is one LESS dollar coming into Tulsa.  That is the reason why Bynum is pushing hard for the upcoming $500 million River Tax.  Again, who does G.T. Bynum really work for?

Maybe all of you simply have a sense of humor?

First day in Urban Economic Development Committee, I would have INSISTED on the City Council Resolution Repealing the Off-Street Parking Requirement, Tulsa Ordinance Title 42, Section 1300.  This action would have allowed the market/developers to decide how much parking for their properties, what type of parking, NOT ridiculous, outdated, arbitrary government numbers I.N.F.R.I.N.G.I.N.G. on private property.

Of course, I would have taken a victory lap on the Broken Arrow Expressway.   Cya in '16!

Michael Bates Endorses River Tax

The only logical conclusion that could be made from this morning's Batesline is Michael Bates actually ENDORSES River Tax.  He's so distracted by my personal conduct.  Good grief, which personal conduct of mine distracts Mr. Bates?  And, is it so egregiously over-the-top as the coming River Tax, asking taxpayers to WASTE $500 million to put lipstick on the pig?

I ask you kind readers, "Who is the REAL village idiot?"